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‘CoinMusme’ official PR character ‘Musme-chan’ begins community expansion on a country-by-country basis.


Seeking ‘Country Leaders’ to energize communities in each country.

Eureka Entertainment Ltd. (CEO: Takuya Tsuji), in the process of developing the blockchain game ‘CoinMusme’, has initiated the expansion of the official PR character ‘Musme-chan’ into communities specific to each country/region. We are seeking ‘Country Leaders’ to represent and invigorate these communities.

  • Regarding the start of community expansion in each country

The community ‘CoinMusme Academy’, centered around the official PR character ‘Musme-chan’, has been active on Discord in English and Japanese. However, to strengthen country-specific community formation, the decision has been made to establish ‘CoinMusme’ communities in each country on the most widely used SNS.

In preparation for this, we are recruiting ‘Country Leaders’ from around the world — individuals who will partner with us to further promote CoinMusme in 196 countries.

Those selected as ‘Country Leaders’ will utilize their personal SNS accounts to disseminate information about CoinMusme as official representatives, facilitate community formation on Discord, and establish new Musme-chan accounts, among other activities.


▼Application Requirements:
・Native speakers for each language
・Individuals who have an affinity for SNS
・Admirers of CoinMusme
・Individuals with a strong sense of responsibility for community engagement

▼Application Process:
Prospective applicants who meet the above criteria can submit their applications through the following Google Form:

※Further details are available on following X (formerly Twitter) accounts
Musme Global Account:
Musme Japanese Account::

  • Official PR Character Musme-chan’s (Supreme Commander Musme-chan) Statement

In light of our global expansion, we have a statement from Supreme Commander Musme-chan:
“Hello, everyone! It’s Supreme Commander Musme-chan here. The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived, as destiny aligns its stars. Musme-chan is dead serious about conquering the entire Earth, so we’re kicking off our global expansion, you know? So, from this point forward, we’re enthusiastically recruiting Country Leaders from all 196 countries worldwide to cultivate vibrant and joyful CoinMusme communities in each nation.

If you’re someone who can confidently say, ‘I’m the one!’ in the local language, we wholeheartedly encourage you to apply. The power vested in Country Leaders is truly remarkable. You’ll have the freedom to label yourself as the CoinMusme Official Country Manager on your personal account. This means you can share everything related to CoinMusme, and if necessary, you can even establish a unique Musme-chan account on popular local social media platforms. Plus, you have unrestricted access to CoinMusme materials!

As your community grows, you might receive rewards based on the number of views and members could come your way, and there’s a chance to participate in CoinMusme’s offline events. Ultimately, we’re adopting an ‘upward mobility system,’ where you can climb the ranks and aim for the position of Supreme Commander Musme-chan! If you’re aspiring to become the Supreme Commander, I’m ready to grant you that opportunity; I’ve put everything I have into this. The era of the grand community has indeed dawned!”

  • About CoinMusme

CoinMusme is a blockchain game being developed by Eureka Entertainment with the aim of creating a global role model for the “Play to Earn’’ world. The blockchain game, scheduled for release by the end of this year, will feature idol characters inspired by cryptocurrencies.

▼X (Formerly Twitter) Accounts
Japanese Account:
Global Account:
▼Official Website
▼List of Eureka Entertainment Ltd. Press Releases

  • About CoinMusme Academy

CoinMusme Academy is a Discord community where members belong to various organizations such as student councils and clubs, engage in activities to enrich the “CoinMusme” experience. Through an administration inspired academy role-playing, we aim to provide our members with an experience of “learning, playing, and having fun.”
CoinMusme Academy was publicly launched on August 2nd, and users who joined the CoinMusme Academy during August will be granted the “1st Batch” role, allowing them to engage in broader activities. Certainly, in August, for our grand opening, we’re giving away 100 gacha ticket NFTs.

Please take this opportunity to join the official Discord community, “CoinMusme Academy.”

【How to Participate】
Please join us through the following link. We look forward to your participation.